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About us

Image title Set Cloud Up is a French professional services company specialised in information technology services and consulting.

We have well talented and enthousiaste engineers with significant experience in different fields.

We provide a wide range of services in different areas from strategic consulting to getting things done.

Our mission is to help companies use new technologies to improve their business revenues.

Our pillars

Well architected designs

  • Operational excellence
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Performance efficiency
  • Cost optimization

Result Oriented Projects

  • Results-driven efforts set specific, measurable improvement goals and match resources and action plans to requirements of accomplishing success.

Experienced Professionals

  • We have a notable experience in different industries like Retail, Banking, Insurance, Energy and Manufacturing.

Our work methodology

  1. Discover the business opportunities.
  2. Define the business needs and requirements.
  3. Design a scalable and well-secured architecture.
  4. Develop a robust and maintainable code.
  5. Deploy at scale the developed application.
  6. Deliver and activate the service in production.

Our technological expertise

Cloud Computing

Migrate your legacy on-premise applications to Cloud Computing infrastures like AWS, Azure and GCP. Reduce your Ops costs and pay as you go.

Big Data

Design, build and deploy Big Data Platforms. Choose your suitable platform, Cloud Data Centric, Deltalake or Lakehouse.

API & Microservices

Break your monolith application into microservices and use container orchestrators like Kubernetes.

Machine Larning & AI

Design, train and deploy at scale your Machine Learning models.


Strengthen your application security and improve the collaboration between developers and Ops by adopting DevSecOps approach.


Increase the rate and the quality of your delivery and reduce the time to market by applying Agile best prcatices.